Who are we?
With more than 45 years of experience, at SESELEC we specialize in providing electromechanical services and solutions in EPC (“Turn Key”) mode, to public and private clients, for the energy, industry and commerce sectors. We have earned the trust of our clients in the national and international market, who recognize us for providing excellent services for the execution of their projects and for the commitment we take with each client with whom we work.
In SESELEC we are true allies of our clients who recognize us for for always delivering their projects on time, complying with the highest standards of quality, safetyand respect for the environment.
To integrate the most efficient, expert and highly committed human team in the delivery of EPC Projects and Services for the Electric Sector, always executing them on time, in accordance with the requirements, with quality and safety, in full respect of the environment and generating the highest added value for our Clients, Collaborators and Shareholders.
To be recognized as the most reliable, competitive and innovative Company in the design, procurement, construction, commissioning and O&M of T&D, Storage and Generation Projects with Renewable Energies in the International Market.
Specialty We are a true EPC T&D up to 400 kV and BOS Photovoltaic up to 150 MW
Expertise Own Engineering | PM | Procurement | Civil Works | Commissioning
Safety Maximum priority that translates into hihger Quality, Productivity and Competitiveness
Experience Energy and Industry Sectors LV, MV, HV, Telecom’s, OPGW…
Local More than 40 years executing projects in Mexico, Spain, Portugal and LATAM
Excellence Committed to the efficient delivery of all interconnected projects
Commitment With Clients, Employees and Partners in full respect of the Environment
Our Team

Our History
That same year, being a 100% Mexican company, it began operations with only 10 employees; today we can proudly say that SESELEC has a multidisciplinary team of more than 500 employees, located in Mexico, Latin America and Spain..
Ver línea de tiempo
SESELEC llega a México con el nombre de CGEE (Compañía General Empresas Eléctricas) de la mano de ALSTOM y de inmediato empezamos trabajos en la 1ra Línea del Metro de la Ciudad de México.
Se inicia la actividad de Automatización, Instrumentación, Control y Mantenimiento. En 2006 SESELEC era líder mundial en éste tipo de proyectos con especial éxito en la industria automotriz.
SESELEC modifica su nombre de CGEE (Compañía General Empresas Eléctricas) a CEGELEC MÉXICO
Quality, Safety and Environment
In SESELEC we have an Integrated Management System that ensures compliance with all procedures and policies of Quality, Safety, Health and Environment, in each project and in all our internal procedures.
Our Certifications
ISO 9001 - México

ISO 9001 - Spain
ISO 45001 - México

ISO 45001 - Spain
ISO 14001 - México

ISO 14001 - Spain
Integrated Management Policy
Servicios & Soluciones Electromecánicos SA de CV ( SESELEC ) is committed with all its Clients to satisfy their needs in EPC Projects (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) which includes Engineering, Supply, Installation and Commissioning based on HV, MV, LV Electrical Systems, Photovoltaic Plants (BOS, EPC), Telecommunications, Electromechanical Systems, as well as Global Maintenance Services, Modernization, Studies and Refurbishment for Transmission, Distribution and Conventional Electrical Generation projects, Telecommunications, Electromechanical Systems, as well as Global Maintenance Services, Modernization, Studies and Refurbishment for Transmission, Distribution and Conventional and Renewable Energy Power Generation projects used in the Electrical, Industrial and Infrastructure sectors.
SESELEC always delivers well and first time its Projects, providing Solvent and Reliable Services, that meet and exceed the requirements and objectives established by its Clients, in compliance with the guidelines of our Integral Management System (Quality, Environmental, Safety and Health at Work), based on the ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 standards.
Likewise, SESELEC considers in the execution of all its EPC projects, in the development and professional growth, as well as respect, through the application of organizational values, motivation and staff capacity, in order to promote the continuous improvement of our processes.

Agradecimiento SESELEC

Agradecimiento Colaboradores SESELEC
Proyecto Central Fotovoltaica Puerto Peñasco Fase I (120 + 300 MW)
Donde CFE y SESELEC trabajan de la mano en cumplimiento a la evaluación de Impacto social del proyecto.

Servicios & Soluciones Electromecánicos S.A. de C.V.